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技术移民 | 2017年加拿大安大略省省提名今周重新开放


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技术移民 | 2017年加拿大安大略省省提名今周重新开放


ontario immigrant nominee program re-open this week


(转载自 加拿大约克论坛)


近日安省公民、移民部部长罗缤妮(laura albanese)和安省副省长、高等教育与技术发展部部长马修斯(deb matthews)一起在多伦多大学的国际生经验交流中心(university of toronto’s centrefor international experience)联合做了上述宣布。安省省议员董晗鹏、cristina martins也到场。






国际硕士移民,博士生移民项目,和人力资本humancapital priorities省提名项目将在下周重新开放在线申请。下周,安大略省移民提名计划(oinp)将重新开放并推出在线申请,重开的项目包括:




3)安大略省express entry人力资本优先移民项目。




important notice


re: international masters and phd graduate streams and human capital   priorities stream to reopen next week with online application systems


next week, the ontario immigrant nominee program(oinp) will be reopening and launching online applications for the:

1) international phd graduate stream

2) international masters graduate stream, and 

3) ontario’s express entry human capital priorities stream. 


for the international student streams, eligible applicants must have graduated from a publicly funded ontario university.


for more efficient processing of applications, the international phd graduate, international masters graduate, and human capital priorities streams will pause and reopen periodically.


new for international masters graduate stream

when this stream reopens, eligible applicants will now be able to apply if they are residing outside ontario.  applicants will also now have the option of using an alternate service provider to obtain their language test.


ontario’s express entry human capital priorities stream

when this stream reopens, the oinp will begin searching the federal government’s express entry pool for qualified applicants and issue notifications of interest.


please check this webpage for further updates on february 21, 2017.





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